This is my website. After many years and attempts at making a variety of pages work for a variety of purposes I have decided to only have one place to hang my hat now. All of my varied interests and directions will be housed here. A number of other names point this way but will always end up here.

So what does “Freelance mage” mean?

Over the years I have had a variety of jobs (see my linkedin page) and at everyone of them I always end up doing things on the side. Eventually this worked out to be a full-time gig and I very happily worked for myself for some 8 years until the hunger pangs finally overcame the stubbornness and entrepreneurial thoughts. I finally found a job I truly love, but cannot now leave my customers, friends, and fellow Macintosh users in the cold. So I still answer my phone when it rings and answer questions and see people as I can. (as I’m doing as I write this)

AppleService.Net / ASNComputers.Com

AppleService.Net Opened its doors on October 1st, 1999 and changed names to ASNComputers.Com in 2004.  The new and improved company officially started in January of 2004 and closing its doors in December of 2006. I had an offer for a job I could not turn down working as Technology Coordinator for the UK College of Design and now work as a Freelance Mage on the side.

I can be reached at Eight-Five-Nine-229-1268 or at or